Best Laravel Packages (180)

This is the list of the most useful Laravel packages.

Auth and Users (12)

spatie/laravel-permissionAssociate users with permissions and roles11570
spatie/laravel-activitylogProvides easy to use functions to log the activities of the users of your app.4971
JosephSilber/bouncerElegant, framework-agnostic approach to managing roles and abilities for any app using Eloquent models3328
cmgmyr/laravel-messengerThis package will allow you to add a full user messaging system into your Laravel application2380
santigarcor/laratrustLaravel role-based access control package2103
404labfr/laravel-impersonateMakes it easy to authenticate as your users. Add a simple trait to your user model and impersonate as one of your users in one click.1831
laravolt/avatarDisplay unique avatar for any user based on their (initials) name1797
cartalyst/sentinelA framework agnostic authentication & authorization system1476
cybercog/laravel-banLaravel Ban simplify management of Eloquent model’s ban. Make any model bannable in a minutes!995
rappasoft/laravel-authentication-logLaravel Authentication Log is a package which tracks your user’s authentication information such as login/logout time, IP, Browser, Location, etc. as well as sends out notifications via mail, slack, or sms for new devices and failed logins.674
creativeorange/gravatarA Laravel Gravatar package for retrieving gravatar image URLs or checking the existance of an image521
OctopyID/LaraPersonateIs an Impersonation package for the Laravel Framework. With this package you can easily impersonate other users either manually or using the interface we provide237

Code Structure & Architecture (6)

nWidart/laravel-modulesPackage to manage your large Laravel app using modules. Module is like a Laravel package, it has some views, controllers or models.5072
archtechx/tenancyA flexible multi-tenancy package for Laravel. Single & multi-database tenancy, automatic & manual mode, event-based architecture.3170
lorisleiva/laravel-actionsClasses that take care of one specific task. This package introduces a new way of organising the logic of your Laravel applications by focusing on the actions your application provide.2240
BenSampo/laravel-enumSimple, extensible and powerful enumeration implementation for Laravel1921
protonemedia/laravel-spladeSplade provides a super easy way to build Single Page Applications (SPA) using standard Laravel Blade templates, enhanced with renderless Vue 3 components.1346
spatie/laravel-multitenancyMake your Laravel app usable by multiple tenants973

Admin Panels, Code Generators and CMS (16)

laravel-filament/filamentFilament is a collection of tools for rapidly building beautiful TALL stack apps, designed for humans.10786
yajra/laravel-datatablesjQuery DataTables API for Laravel4644
orchidsoftware/platformOrchid is a free Laravel package that abstracts standard business logic and allows code-driven rapid application development of back-office applications, admin/user panels, and dashboards4017
area17/twillTwill is an open source Laravel package that helps developers rapidly create a custom CMS that is beautiful, powerful, and flexible.3455
statamic/cmsStatamic is the flat-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS designed for building beautiful, easy to manage websites.3098
Laravel-Backpack/CRUDQuickly build an admin panel for your Eloquent models, then customize every little detail.2805
laravel-shift/blueprintTool for rapidly generating multiple Laravel components from a single, human readable definition.2558
saleem-hadad/larecipeLaRecipe is simply a code-driven package provides an easy way to create beautiful documentation for your product or application inside your Laravel app.2244
tailflow/laravel-orionLaravel Orion allows you to build a fully featured REST API based on your Eloquent models and relationships with simplicity of Laravel as you love it.1328
nasirkhan/laravel-starterSimple starter project. Most of the commonly needed features of an application like Authentication, Authorisation, User and Role management, Application Backend, Backup, Log viewer are available here.947
AndreasElia/laravel-api-to-postmanThis package allows you to automatically generate a Postman collection based on your API routes. It also provides basic configuration and support for bearer auth tokens and basic auth for routes behind an auth middleware.858
LaravelDaily/LarastartersPackage to install a regular Laravel Starter Kit with a non-regular different design theme.716
code16/sharpContent management framework, a toolset which provides help to build a CMS section in a website.675
fumeapp/laranuxtLaravel + Nuxt.js Boilerplate577
binarcode/laravel-restifyThe first fully customizable Laravel JSON:API builder. “CRUD” and protect your resources with 0 (zero) extra line of code.508
ahmedesa/laravel-api-tool-kitSupercharge your API development with standardized responses, dynamic pagination, advanced filtering, and a one-click full CRUD setup.379

File Management & Manipulation (6)

Intervention/imageNot only Laravel, but a general PHP package: image handling and manipulation library13495
spatie/laravel-medialibraryThis package can associate all sorts of files with Eloquent models5470
spatie/browsershotConvert a webpage to an image or pdf using headless Chrome4525
spatie/image-optimizerOptimize PNGs, JPGs, SVGs and GIFs by running them through a chain of various image optimization tools2521
rap2hpoutre/fast-excelFast Excel import/export for Laravel, thanks to Spout.1925
spatie/pdf-to-imageConvert a pdf to an image1214

Visuals & UI: Blade, Themes, Icons (9)

blade-ui-kit/blade-iconsA package to easily make use of SVG icons in your Laravel Blade views1930
GrahamCampbell/Laravel-MarkdownLaravel Markdown is a CommonMark wrapper for Laravel1276
wireui/wireuiLibrary of components and resources to empower your Laravel and Livewire application development.1266
wire-elements/modalLivewire component that provides you with a modal that supports multiple child modals while maintaining state.983
wire-elements/spotlightLivewire component that brings Spotlight/Alfred-like functionality to your Laravel application.874
protonemedia/laravel-form-componentsBlade components to build forms with Tailwind CSS/Bootstrap800
spatie/laravel-htmlPainless html generation693
vildanbina/livewire-wizardA dynamic Laravel Livewire component for multi steps form.280
robsontenorio/maryMary is a set of gorgeous Laravel blade components made for Livewire 3 and styled with DaisyUI and Tailwind.265

Debugging, Maintenance & Optimization (21)

barryvdh/laravel-debugbarThis is a package to integrate PHP Debug Bar with Laravel.15712
spatie/laravel-backupThis Laravel package creates a backup of your application. The backup is a zip file that contains all files in the directories you specify along with a dump of your database.5375
itsgoingd/clockworkClockwork gives you an insight into your application runtime – including request data, performance metrics, log entries, database queries, cache queries, redis commands, dispatched events, queued jobs, rendered views and more.5267
nunomaduro/larastanAdds code analysis to Laravel improving developer productivity and code quality4911
laravel/telescopeTelescope provides insight into the requests coming into your application, exceptions, log entries, database queries, queued jobs, mail, notifications, cache operations, scheduled tasks, variable dumps, and more.4617
rap2hpoutre/laravel-log-viewerLaravel log viewer3070
opcodesio/log-viewerLog Viewer helps you quickly and clearly see individual log entries, to search, filter, and make sense of your Laravel logs fast.2960
ARCANEDEV/LogViewerThis package allows you to manage and keep track of each one of your log files2344
beyondcode/laravel-query-detectorThe Laravel N+1 query detector helps you to increase your application’s performance by reducing the number of queries it executes.1830
imanghafoori1/laravel-microscopeFearless refactoring, it does a lot of smart checks to find certain errors/user panels, and dashboards1351
hammerstonedev/fast-paginateThis is a fast limit/offset pagination macro for Laravel. It can be used in place of the standard paginate methods1069
spatie/laravel-uptime-monitorA powerful and easy to configure uptime and ssl monitor989
spatie/laravel-db-snapshotsQuickly dump and load databases914
spatie/laravel-failed-job-monitorGet notified when a queued job fails832
spatie/laravel-server-monitorThis package keeps an eye on the health of all your servers.775
spatie/laravel-schedule-monitorMonitor scheduled tasks in a Laravel app768
spatie/laravel-healthUsing this package you can monitor the health of your application by registering checks.625
hammerstonedev/flakyHandle operations that may have intermittent failures due to unreliable third-parties.392
PlannrCrm/laravel-fast-refresh-databaseHelps tests run faster, when the RefreshDatabase trait takes ages to run tests when you have lots of migrations.365
qcod/laravel-app-settingsUse qcod/laravel-app-settings to add settings manager with UI in your Laravel app. It stores settings in the database and by default uses Bootstrap 4 for styling but you can configure it to work with any css system.325
MohsenAbrishami/stethoscopeWith this package, You can check your server health at any time.255

Database & Eloquent (29)

spatie/laravel-query-builderFilter, sort and include eloquent relations based on a request.3792
cviebrock/eloquent-sluggableEasy creation of slugs for your Eloquent models in Laravel.3758
owen-it/laravel-auditingRecord the change log from models in Laravel2775
orangehill/iseedInverse seed generator (iSeed) is a Laravel package that provides a method to generate a new seed file based on data from the existing database table2657
VentureCraft/revisionableEasily create a revision history for any laravel model2483
staudenmeir/eloquent-has-many-deepThis extended version of HasManyThrough allows relationships with unlimited intermediate models.2417
calebporzio/sushiEloquent’s missing “array” driver. Sometimes you want to use Eloquent, but without dealing with a database.2182
kitloong/laravel-migrations-generatorLaravel Migrations Generator: Automatically generate your migrations from an existing database schema2049
spatie/laravel-collection-macrosA set of useful Laravel collection macros1635
spatie/eloquent-sortableSortable behaviour for Eloquent models1287
reliese/laravelReliese Laravel Model Generator aims to speed up the development process of Laravel applications by providing some convenient code-generation capabilities. The tool inspects your database structure, including column names and foreign keys, in order to automatically generate Models that have correctly typed properties, along with any relationships to other Models1280
spatie/laravel-searchablePragmatically search through models and other sources1265
spatie/laravel-sluggableGenerate slugs when saving Eloquent models1262
calebporzio/parentalBrings STI (Single Table Inheritance) capabilities to Eloquent.1225
spatie/laravel-model-statesState support for models1017
topclaudy/composhipsCompoships offers the ability to specify relationships based on two (or more) columns in Laravel’s Eloquent ORM. The need to match multiple columns in the definition of an Eloquent relationship often arises when working with third party or pre existing schema/database995
protonemedia/laravel-cross-eloquent-searchLaravel package to search through multiple Eloquent models. Supports sorting, pagination, scoped queries, eager load relationships and searching through single or multiple columns976
spatie/laravel-schemaless-attributesAdd schemaless attributes to Eloquent models920
spatie/laravel-model-statusEasily add statuses to your models860
cyrildewit/eloquent-viewableThis Laravel package allows you to associate views with Eloquent models.744
maize-tech/laravel-markableThis package allows you to easily add the markable feature to your application, as for example likes, bookmarks, favorites and so on.624
Kyslik/column-sortablePackage for handling column sorting621
WendellAdriel/laravel-liftIt lets you create public properties in Eloquent Models that match your table schema. This makes your models easier to read and work with in any IDE.586
lepikhinb/laravel-fluentThe package provides an expressive “fluent” way to define model attributes. It automatically builds casts at runtime and adds a native autocompletion to the models’ properties.532
WildsideUK/Laravel-UserstampsLaravel Userstamps provides an Eloquent trait which automatically maintains created_by and updated_by columns on your model, populated by the currently authenticated user in your application.452
mehdi-fathi/eloquent-filterEloquent Filter adds custom filters automatically to your Eloquent Models in Laravel.397
oddvalue/laravel-draftsA simple, drop-in drafts/revisions system for Laravel models310
boxfrommars/rutorika-sortableAdds sortable behavior to Laravel Eloquent models282
cjmellor/approvalApproval is a Laravel package that provides a simple way to approve new Model data before it is persisted.281

Multi-Language (8)

mcamara/laravel-localizationAdds the missing localization features to Laravel: language selection in the URL and from headers, translatable routes and many other small features that are commonly needed in multilanguage sites.3246
spatie/laravel-translatableThis package contains a trait to make Eloquent models translatable. Translations are stored as json. There is no extra table needed to hold them.2090
Astrotomic/laravel-translatableIf you want to store translations of your models into the database, this package is for you.1140
spatie/laravel-translation-loaderStore your translations in the database or other sources625
xiCO2k/laravel-vue-i18nlaravel-vue-i18n is a Vue3 plugin that allows to connect your Laravel Framework translation files with Vue. It uses the same logic used on Laravel Localization.527
MohmmedAshraf/laravel-translationsProvides a simple and friendly user interface for managing translations in a Laravel app.401
LarsWiegers/laravel-translations-checkerNever worry about missing translations again! Use the translations checker204
translation/ client for Laravel 5.5+ to 9.x161

Misc (59)

barryvdh/laravel-ide-helperThis package generates helper files that enable your IDE to provide accurate autocompletion13532
SpartnerNL/Laravel-ExcelSupercharged Excel exports and imports in Laravel11814
barryvdh/laravel-dompdfLaravel wrapper for Dompdf HTML to PDF Converter6215
beyondcode/laravel-websocketsWebsockets for Laravel4968
laravel/horizonHorizon provides a beautiful dashboard and code-driven configuration for your Laravel powered Redis queues. Horizon allows you to easily monitor key metrics of your queue system such as job throughput, runtime, and job failures.3710
tighten/ziggyUse your Laravel routes in JavaScript3474
spatie/laravel-analyticsA Laravel package to retrieve pageviews and other data from Google Analytics2969
artesaos/seotoolsSEOTools is a package for Laravel 5.8+ and Lumen that provides helpers for some common SEO techniques2922
barryvdh/laravel-snappySnappy PDF/Image Wrapper for Laravel2485
SimpleSoftwareIO/simple-qrcodeAn easy-to-use PHP QrCode generator with first-party support for Laravel2484
DarkaOnLine/L5-SwaggerOpenApi or Swagger Specification for your Laravel project made easy2395
Propaganistas/Laravel-PhoneAdds phone number functionality to Laravel based on the PHP port of Google\s libphonenumber API by giggsey.2320
mewebstudio/captchaA simple Laravel service provider for including the Captcha for Laravel.2301
spatie/laravel-responsecacheSpeed up a Laravel app by caching the entire response2266
spatie/data-transfer-objectData transfer objects (DTOs) with batteries included2219
spatie/laravel-sitemapGenerate a sitemap without you having to add urls to it manually, by crawling your entire site.2070
munafio/chatifyA Laravel package helps you add a complete real-time messaging system to your new / existing application with only one command.2037
Torann/laravel-geoipDetermine the geographical location of website visitors based on their IP addresses2017
anhskohbo/no-captchaNo CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA For Laravel1719
nahid/talkTalk is a Laravel based user conversation (chat) system with realtime messaging.1570
rappasoft/laravel-livewire-tablesA dynamic Laravel Livewire component for data tables1544
spatie/laravel-tagsAdd tags and taggable behaviour to a Laravel app1505
spatie/periodCompare multiple dates with each other, calculate the overlaps and differences between n-amount of periods, as well as some more basic comparisons between two periods.1491
protonemedia/laravel-ffmpegThis package provides an integration with FFmpeg for Laravel. Laravel’s Filesystem handles the storage of the files1485
spatie/laravel-cookie-consentMake your Laravel app comply with the crazy EU cookie law1294
Power-Components/livewire-powergridPowerGrid generates Advanced Datatables using Laravel Livewire1289
spatie/laravel-honeypotPreventing spam submitted through forms1198
spatie/laravel-google-calendarManage events on a Google Calendar1145
ash-jc-allen/short-urlA Laravel package for creating shortened URLs for your web apps1116
cybercog/laravel-loveAdd Social Reactions to Laravel Eloquent Models. It lets people express how they feel about the content. Fully customizable Weighted Reaction System & Reaction Type System with Like, Dislike and any other custom emotion types. Do you react?1100
proengsoft/laravel-jsvalidationAllows to reuse your Laravel Validation Rules, Messages, FormRequest and Validators to validate forms automatically in client side.1079
spatie/laravel-settingsStore strongly typed application settings1017
spatie/laravel-web-tinkerTinker in your browser954
bavix/laravel-walletEasy work with virtual wallet954
kreait/laravel-firebaseA Laravel package for the Firebase PHP Admin SDK.888
spatie/laravel-mix-purgecssZero-config Purgecss for Laravel Mix883
spatie/laravel-menuHtml menu generator for Laravel861
spatie/laravel-webhook-clientReceive webhooks in Laravel apps852
spatie/laravel-webhook-serverSend webhooks from Laravel apps826
spatie/laravel-feedEasily generate RSS feeds809
spatie/laravel-tailAn artisan command to tail your application logs730
spatie/laravel-validation-rulesA set of useful Laravel validation rules689
laravel-workflow/laravel-workflowA package for the Laravel web framework that provides tools for defining and managing workflows and activities.669
geocoder-php/GeocoderLaravelGeocoder is a PHP library which helps you build geo-aware applications by providing a powerful abstraction layer for geocoding manipulations659
spatie/laravel-server-side-renderingServer side rendering JavaScript in your Laravel application642
nnjeim/worldLaravel package which provides a list of the countries, states, cities, timezones, currencies and languages.640
spatie/laravel-blade-javascriptA Blade directive to export variables to JavaScript588
ylsideas/feature-flagsFeature Flags for Laravel. A Feature flag is at times referred to as a feature toggle or feature switch.583
f9webltd/laravel-api-response-helpersA simple package allowing for consistent API responses throughout your Laravel application.580
spatie/laravel-short-scheduleSchedule artisan commands to run at a sub-minute frequency.570
WendellAdriel/laravel-validated-dtoData Transfer Objects with validation for Laravel applications.560
Team-Tea-Time/laravel-forumA forum package designed for quick and easy integration in #Laravel projects.544
LaravelDaily/laravel-chartsPackage to generate Chart.js charts directly from Laravel/Blade, without interacting with JavaScript.484
ralphjsmit/laravel-seoNever worry about SEO in Laravel again!458
mateusjunges/laravel-kafkaA Kafka driver for Laravel.442
creagia/laravel-sign-padLaravel pad signature. A Laravel package to sign documents and optionally generate certified PDFs associated to a Eloquent model.394
milwad-dev/laravel-validateYou can validate data easier, Laravel validate have lots of rule class for validation.386
Jeroen-G/ExplorerNext-gen Elasticsearch driver for Laravel Scout with the power of Elasticsearch’s queries.332
Label84/laravel-hours-helperWith laravel-hours-helper you can create an Illuminate\Support\Collection of dates and/or times with a specific interval for a specific period.249

E-Commerce (5)

bagisto/bagistoAn easy to use, free and open source laravel eCommerce platform to build your online shop in no time.8878
aimeos/aimeos-laravelLaravel ecommerce package for ultra fast online shops, scalable marketplaces, complex B2B applications and gigacommerce.6637
lunarphp/lunarAn open-source package that brings the power of modern headless e-commerce functionality to Laravel.1885
LaravelDaily/laravel-invoicesThis Laravel package provides an easy to use interface to generate Invoice PDF files with your provided data.1164
vanilophp/frameworkThe truly Laravel E-commerce Framework763

Mail (3)

Qoraiche/laravel-mail-editorMailable editor package for your Laravel applications to create and manage mailables using a web UI.2010
spatie/laravel-mail-previewA mail driver to quickly preview mail1100
Xammie/mailbookPackage that lets you easily inspect your mails without having to actually trigger it in your application.374

Flash Alerts Notifications (6)

laracasts/flashEasy Flash Messages for Your Laravel App2638
mckenziearts/laravel-notifyLaravel Notify is a package that lets you add custom notifications to your project. A diverse range of notification design is available.1476
realrashid/sweet-alertA beautiful replacement for JavaScript’s popup boxes for Laravel1054
spatie/laravel-flashThis is a lightweight package to send flash messages in Laravel apps.514
usernotnull/tall-toastsBeautiful Notification Toasts For Laravel. Runs with the TALL stack: Laravel, TailwindCSS, Livewire, AlpineJS.470
yoeunes/toastrToastr.js notifications for Laravel319